Genesee Hill Elementary

Parent Orientation 2024-25

Kindergarten Parent Orientation

Genesee Hill Kindergarten Orientation

Genesee Hill Leadership Team

Principal Liz Dunn

Assistant Principal Tami Beach

Administrative Assistant Pamela Jones

Office Assistant/Attendance Stacy Pritchard

Kindergarten Team


  • Kyle Vercammen, PE
  • Sam Turner, Dance
  • Mark Edgbert, Music
  • Lindsey Bender, Art
  • Lindsay Yost, Librarian
  • Allie McDonald, School Counselor

Academic Programs

Math: envision Mathematics

  • Whole Class and Small Group Instruction
  • Independent and Partner Work
  • Share out/Wrap Up
  • Formative Assessment

English Language Arts: Center for Collaborative Classrooms

  • Whole class, small group, and individualized instruction
  • Being a Reader, Making Meaning, Being a Writer


  • Next Generation Science Standards / Amplify Science

Social Emotional Learning

  • Morning Circle
  • Second Step Lessons
  • Class Charter
  • Mood Meter
  • Friendship Groups
1TT Wants to Feel...
Mood Meter chart

Kindergarten Day

Supervision starts in Kinder playground7:40 a.m.
Teachers meet students in playground and escort to class7:50 a.m.
Morning Recess9:05-9:20 a.m.
Lunch11:05-11:30 a.m.
Recess11:30-11:50 a.m.
Specialists: PE/Music/Dance/Art12:30-1:05 p.m.
Afternoon Recess1:50-2 p.m.
Dismissal2:25 p.m. (1:10 on Wednesday)

Great Start

Homeroom teachers with their own class7:55-9:05 a.m.
Recess9:05-9:30 a.m.
Rotation 19:30-9:50 a.m.
Snack9:50-10:10 a.m.
Rotation 210:10-11 a.m.
Lunch and Recess11:05-11:50 a.m.
Homeroom teachers with their own class11:50 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Specialist: PE/Music/Dance/Art12:30-1:05 p.m.
Recess1:50-2 p.m.
Choice Time2-2:25 p.m.
Dismissal2:25 p.m. (1:10 on Wednesday)

Drop-off, Pick-up, and Bus

  • Morning Drop-off is in the front playground with Ms. Dunn and Ms. Shelley starting at 7:40
  • Afternoon Pick-up is in the parking lot and on the sidewalk in the front of the building
  • Bus riders and students in the Hiawatha program will be escorted to their location by an adult
  • Please let the office know anytime your child will not be riding the bus as expected

SW Dakota Permanently Closed

The permanent school street will have 2 main components:

  • Painted curb bulbs and concrete bollards with signage
  • Thermoplastic art in the street


Genesee Hill Attendance Information


School meals – Lunchroom Manager: Ulonda Pugh

This year, SPS has launched MySchoolBucks, an online platform that will allow families to pay for school meals. With MySchoolBucks, parents and guardians can securely manage meal payments, set up automatic replenishments, and track their student’s cafeteria purchases. 

Checks and cash are also accepted by Ms. Ulonda either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for purchasing individual meals or milk. Checks should be made payable to Culinary Services.

  • Breakfast $2.25
  • Lunch $3.25

Additionally, SPS has introduced MealViewer, an online platform that provides families with access to school menus and nutritional information. With MealViewer, you can stay informed about the delicious and nutritious options available to your child each day.

Cold Lunch: Please pack healthy, easy to open foods


Our teacher teams love to use volunteers in the classroom. Watch for your teacher to reach out for their specific needs and Room Parent wishes.

In the meantime, please visit the district website to complete the volunteer application process.

Safety and Emergencies

Student safety is our priority.

To that end, and in accordance with SPS Safety & Security priorities, our building will always remain locked. All visitors/volunteers must check in through the buzzed entry at the main entrance.

  • Staff and visitors will be required to wear an ID badge when in the building.
  • Fire drills, earthquake drills, reverse evacuation, shelter-in-place, and lock down drills are all practiced during the school year. Escape routes are posted in each instructional space in the building.
  • Genesee Hill Elementary’s building lock-down plan assists in maintaining order and safety within the school building.
  • “Lock-down” means all inner and outer doors are locked, including classroom doors. No one may come in or out.
    • Parents are sent email notification after each lock-down drill.
  • “Shelter in Place” means that the outer doors are locked but staff and students may move within the building.

Cohort Leaders

  • Jacqueline Dozier – Nicole’s mom
  • Kristi Burress – Revv’s mom
  • Molly Eberle – Revel’s mom
  • Dana Rambo – Henry’s mom
  • Aisha Savage – Aidan’s mom
  • Alida Mooreston – Clementine’s mom

PTA Members

  • Sarah Lara Silva President
  • Michelle Doornink, Vice President
  • Kristin Lauver, Secretary
  • Mark Green, Treasurer
  • Kevin Foreman, Vice Treasurer
  • Katrina Higgason, Communications
  • Molly Al-Jawad, Events
  • Christine Risinger, Volunteers
  • Victoria Brown-Bhegani, Special Education
  • Dayra Haugo, Cohorts
  • Yuko Truchon, Membership
  • Linda Kennedy, Equity
  • Katy Richey, Fundraising

What to Pack for Kinder

  • Backpack – big enough to carry a folder and a lunchbox
  • Lunchbox – unless they are getting school lunch
  • Snack – pack separately from lunch
  • Filled water bottle with a straw containing only water 
  • No additional school supplies are needed.
  • Take home folder. This will be provided during the first week of school. Please return to school daily. 
  • An “Oops” bag, labeled with your child’s name in a gallon Ziploc bag – an extra pair of clothes for any kind of accident. 
  • No toys 
  • Please label everything!