Genesee Hill Elementary



Checking Out Books from the Genesee Hill Library

Your child will be coming to the library on a weekly basis, and will soon begin to check out  books during their scheduled library time. 

There are no fines for overdue books, but please encourage your child to return his or her books each week. Your child will not be able to check out new books until all books are returned. All books should be returned to school in the morning on the day your child has library. Please see your child’s classroom schedule to see what day this is.

Sometimes accidents happen. If a library book is lost or damaged while checked out to your child, the book must be replaced. The book can be paid for by check (made out to Genesee Hill library) for the original retail price. Once the book is paid for, your child’s account will be cleared and he or she may resume library checkout.

You can help your child by:

  • Finding a safe place for his/her library books away from little brothers/sisters and family pets.
  • Reminding your child to have clean hands when handling the book and to turn pages gently.
  • Encouraging your child to read for enjoyment and to notice/discuss the illustrations with you.
  • Reread the book as well as discuss favorite characters and important parts of the story.

I look forward to a great year and many wonderful stories!  If you have any questions or concerns about the library, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you!

Ms. Yost
Genesee Hill Librarian

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer assistance is always welcome in the library, whether on a drop-in or regularly-scheduled basis.  Training available!
  • Volunteer activities include shelving materials, processing new acquisitions and general maintenance.
  • Looking for a one-time commitment? Consider helping out during our annual Fall Book Fair.
  • To volunteer, please contact Lindsay Yost, School Librarian.

Global Reading Challenge

Thousands of elementary school students from nearly 50 Seattle public schools participate in The Seattle Public Library’s Global Reading Challenge.

The students compete in the Global Reading Challenge as teams. Together they read and discuss a set of 10 books to prepare for the event, where questions are read and teams write down the answer. The in-school challenges take place February. The top team from each school will then compete in semifinals against other top teams, and the winning schools from the semifinals will go on to compete in the city final.  In 2016 we placed 2nd with our team!