Genesee Hill Elementary


School Counseling Program

Counseling Programs for Genesee Hill Students and Families

  • Monthly Classroom Lessons- Twice a month lessons. See lessons below.
  • Group Counseling– Friendship and Social Skills Lunch Bunches
  • Check in support– Students fill out forms to meet with the counselor for 1-1 problem solving and support
  • Individual- Strengths-based solution focused school counseling sessions (up to 8 sessions)
  • Restorative Peer Mediation– Support respectful communication and problem solving among peer groups
  • Consultations- Support to families on a variety of student issues and concerns

Scope and Sequence of K-5 Classroom Lessons

District approved Second Step and Ruler Social Emotional Learning Programs are foundational to the counseling curriculum. Some supplementary evidence-based curriculum is also used. K-2 will be receiving Second Step’s Child Protection Unit starting in March 2025 that teaches about personal safety, safe touch, and assertiveness to help students keep themselves safe. There will be opt-out permission slips sent home in November for you to consider your child’s participation. 3-5 will be receiving Second Step’s Bullying Prevention Unit.

SeptemberLesson 1: Hello! Norms/Expectations
Lesson 2: Recognizing Emotions
Lesson 1: Hello! Norms/Expectations
Lesson 2: Recognizing Emotions
OctoberLesson 3: Understand/Label Emotions
Lesson 4: Emotional Regulation
Lesson 3: Understand/Label Emotions
Lesson 4: Emotional Regulation
NovemberLesson 5: Bullying Prevention
Lesson 6: Self Esteem
Lesson 5: Bully Prevention Unit 1
Lesson 6: Bully Prevention Unit 2
DecemberLesson 7: Empathy/Compassion
Lesson 8: Growth Mindset
Lesson 7: Bully Prevention Unit 3
Lesson 8: Bully Prevention Unit 4
JanuaryLesson 9: Neurodiversity
Lesson 10: Inclusion
Lesson 9: Neurodiversity
Lesson 10: Inclusion
FebruaryLesson 11: College/Career Awareness
Lesson 12: Conflict Resolution
Lesson11: College Awareness
Lesson12: Career Awareness
MarchLesson 13: Child Protection Unit 1
Lesson 14: Child Protection Unit 2
Lesson 13: Growth Mindset
Lesson 14: Self Esteem
AprilLesson 15: Child Protection Unit 3
Lesson 16: Child Protection Unit 4
Lesson 15: Empathy/Compassion
Lesson 16: Friendship Boundaries
MayLesson 17: Child Protection Unit 5
Lesson 18: Child Protection Unit 6
Lesson 17: Conflict Resolution
Lesson 18: Digital Safety
JuneLesson 19: Review and ClosureLesson 19: Review and Closure

School Counseling Mission and Vision

Mission Statement
The mission of our comprehensive school counseling department is to provide proactive, developmentally appropriate, and culturally relevant counseling interventions in a supportive and warm environment. The program champions student wellness and success in the domains of social/emotional, academic, and college and career. This is directly delivered to students through small groups, classroom lessons, check ins, and brief solution-focused individual counseling. Students are also served indirectly by the family-school-community partnership in the form of referrals, collaboration, and consultation.

All Genesee Hill Elementary students know they are capable learners with unique talents, interests, and values that adds value to our community. Every student is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be socially and emotionally aware, academically successful, and college and career aware.

Meet the Counselor

Allie McDonald

Hi there! My name is Allie McDonald and I am Genesee Hill’s school counselor.

I was born and raised in Southern Utah just outside of Zion National Park. While I loved the sun and red rocks, I yearned for rich cultural experiences, a great education, and a thriving city (Seattle!).

Luckily for me, I had an amazing school counselor who supported me in exploring college and scholarship options. She also helped me navigate difficult life experiences with kindness and empathy that inspires the counselor I strive to be every day (shoutout to Mrs. Ovard!).

I am a University of Washington alumna and received my graduate degree in counseling at the University of Colorado. I am passionate about helping students tap into their unique strengths, knowledge, and past successes to problem solve and feel positive about themselves and their future. I truly feel like I have the best job in the world!

In my spare time, I enjoy film photography, reading, cooking, art journaling, and spending time with loved ones. I also love engaging in conversations about culture and sharing my Japanese heritage with my community.

Family Resource List

Seattle Children’s Referral Specialist- A free service that connects you to a counselor that meets your family’s needs and is taking clients in your network. Seattle Children’s Referral Form

The agencies below provide comprehensive counseling services and a variety of health and family support services to meet the behavioral, social, and emotional needs of children and their families.

Asian Counseling and Referral Service- Services focus on, but are not limited to the Asian American and Pacific Islanders community. Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health, Medicare, most private insurance plans, and a sliding scale option.

Atlantic Street Center- accepts Medicaid/Apple Health

Consejo Counseling & Referral Services- Services focus on, but are not limited to the Latino community. Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health.

Cowlitz Tribal Health Services- Individuals enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe and individuals who are first-generation and second-generation descendants of those Tribal members, Self-attesting Natives, and Individuals with Medicaid who are members of a Native Household are eligible.

Navos- Also offers a Behavior Support Team for those that qualify. Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health and Medicare.

Sound- Also offers a Wrap Around program for those that qualify. Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health, Medicare, and most commercial health plans.

Seneca- accepting Medicaid/Apple Health only.

Southwest Youth and Family Services- Also offers case management. Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health.

Therapeutic Health Services- Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health, sliding scale option, and other health insurance plans. For more insurance information, please call 1-833-278-4357.

Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation- Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health and many commercial insurances.

YMCA of Greater Seattle- Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health and sliding scale option.

These resources provide specific social, emotional, and behavioral care based on a child and family’s specific needs.

Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center- provides parent coaching, counseling, medication management, diagnostic evaluations, support groups, classes, and webinars. Out-of-network provider. Recommend contacting your insurance provider prior to scheduling in order to obtain accurate coverage details regarding out-of-network reimbursement options.

The Child Anxiety Center at Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle- provides counseling services to support children emotional and behavioral health as related to anxiety, OCD, ADHD, behavior struggles, depression, and school refusal. Recommend contacting your insurance provider prior to scheduling in order to obtain accurate coverage details regarding out-of-network reimbursement options.

The Emily Project- provides in-patient, out-patient and day treatment for children struggling with eating disorders. They can offer individual, group, and family counseling to support recovery. Accepts Medicaid/Apple Health and many commercial insurance plans.

King County Sexual Assault Resource Center- Whether your child has told you about abuse or their behaviors make you wonder if abuse has occurred, KCSARC can help. Advocates are available to support you, your child and your family, along with information, guidance and resources 24 hours a day, every day.

Safe Crossings Pediatric Grief Program– no charge individual or family grief counseling. Also runs Camp Erin, a weekend grief camp for children and grief groups, all at no-charge.

Stress Relief and Coping Skills

Caregiver Info

Online Books and Book Lists

Social Emotional and Academic Apps




If you would like access to Genesee Hill’s Food Pantry, please stop by the front office and Stacy will assist you. We have shelf-stable snacks and meals. If you would like weekend meal packs, please let me know and we can get that set up.

If you would like assistance with clothing, toiletries, school supplies, or other needs, please fill out this form!

Rent or Utilities Support:
West Seattle Helpline, 206-932-4357, or call 211.

Transition, Temporary Housing and Homelessness:
McKinney-Vento Liaison of Seattle Public Schools, 206-252-0857

*Your information is confidential and will only be known to counselor and admin*


If you are concerned for someone’s immediate safety, please call 911.

24-hr Suicide Lifeline: 800-273-8255 

24-hr Crisis Chat

24-hr Crisis Line: Text ‘HOME’ to 741741  

Trevor Project—LGBTQ: 866-488-7386 

Trevor Project Chat 

Trevor Project Text: Text ‘START’ to 678678

Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860

How to Contact/Refer

I’d love to meet you! To schedule an in person meeting, call, or video call, email me at or book a meeting.

To refer your student for individual counseling or group counseling, use this form: Individual Counseling Form

Family Involvement

If you would like to join the PTA at no charge, fill out this waiver

If you would like to donate to Genesee Hill’s food pantry, please leave items with front office. We accept shelf stable foods. Snacks and quick shelf-stable meals are a need right now (fruit cups, mac and cheese, rice pouches, beef jerky sticks, breakfast bars, etc.).

Common Questions

How does my child receive the counseling programming?

  • All students are able to request check-ins if they need support or skills around social/emotional struggles. These are not individual school counseling sessions. They are aimed at providing a quick support (teaching coping skills, conflict resolution skills, validate big feelings, etc.) to help a student feel successful and comfortable at school. Family and teachers also request check-ins for students. If concerns arise, I will reach out.
  • Classroom counseling lessons are provided to all classes. Please contact us if you are concerned about your student’s participation.
  • Group counseling is offered to students who could use extra support and community. These are 8 sessions and the topics change based on grade-level needs. Students are referred by themselves, staff, and family. I will contact you and get a signed informed consent form before meeting with a student for group.
  • Individual counseling is 6-8 sessions of strengths-based solution focused school counseling based on the student and families goals. These are typically in response to sudden or concerning changes in attendance, behavior, social skills, personal problems, or family crisis. Students are referred by themselves, staff, and family. After referral I will assess if individual counseling is the best intervention or if other interventions are better suited. I will contact you and get a signed informed consent form before meeting with a student for individual counseling. After 6-8 weeks, I can provide you a referral to seek long term counseling supports.

How does confidentiality work in school counseling?

What students and families discuss with me will be kept confidential unless there is concern for harm to student self or harm to others, the student is in danger, or the student/family gives me permission to share with relevant staff or outside providers. If there is potential harm to your student, I will always contact you and create a safety plan.